Slicer 3.6:Training

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Home < Slicer 3.6:Training

Slicer 3.6 Tutorials

  • The following table contains "How to" tutorials with matched sample data sets. They demonstrate how to use the 3D Slicer environment (version 3.6 release) to accomplish certain tasks.
  • For tutorials for other versions of Slicer, please visit the Slicer training portal.
  • For questions related to the Slicer3 Compendium, please send an e-mail to Sonia Pujol, Ph.D
Category Tutorial Sample Data Image
Core Slicer3Minute Tutorial-PDF
Slicer3Minute Tutorial-PPT

The Slicer3Minute tutorial is an introduction to the advanced 3D visualization capabilities of Slicer3.6.

Audience: First time users.
Slicer3Minute Data

The Slicer3Minute dataset contains an MR scan of the brain and 3D reconstructions of the anatomy
Slicer3Minute 3.6RC2.png
Core Slicer3Visualization Tutorial-PDF
Slicer3Visualization Tutorial-PPT

The Slicer3Visualization tutorial guides through 3D data loading and visualization in Slicer3.6.

Audience: All beginners including clinicians, scientists, engineers and programmers.
Slicer3Visualization Data

The Slicer3VisualizationDataset contains two MR scans of the brain, a pre-computed labelmap and 3D reconstructions of the anatomy.
VisualizationTutorial 3.6RC3.png
Core Programming in Slicer3 Tutorial-PDF
Programming in Slicer3 Tutorial-PPT

The Programming in Slicer3 tutorial is an introduction to the integration of C++ stand-alone programs outside of the Slicer3 source tree.

Audience: Programmers and Engineers.
HelloWorld Plugin

The HelloWorld tutorial dataset contains an MR scan of the brain and pre-computed xml and C++ files for integrating the Hello Python plug-in to Slicer3.
Core Hello Python Tutorial

The Hello Python tutorial is an introduction to the integration of Python stand-alone programs outside of the Slicer3 source tree.

Audience: Programmers and Engineers.
HelloPython Plugin

The HelloPython tutorial dataset contains an MR scan of the brain and pre-computed xml and Python code for integrating the Hello Python plug-in to Slicer3.
Core Interactive Editor-PDF
Interactive Editor-PPT

Shows how to use the interactive editing tools in Slicer.
Audience: All users and developers.
Editor Data

This dataset contains a MR dataset of the brain.
Core Manual Registration-PDF
Manual Registration-PPT

Shows how to manually/interactively align two images in Slicer3.6

Audience: First time & early users.
Manual Registration Data

This dataset contains two brain MRI of a single subject, obtained in different orientations.
Slicer3 ManualRegistrationTutorial.gif
Specialized Diffusion MRI tutorial-PDF
Diffusion MRI tutorial-PPT

This tutorial guides you through the process of loading diffusion MR data, estimating diffusion tensors, and performing tractography of white matter bundles.

Audience: All users and developers.
Diffusion Data Cc.PNG
Specialized Change Tracker Tutorial-PDF
Change Tracker Tutorial-PPT

This tutorial describes the use of ChangeTracker module to detect changes in tumor volume from two MRI scans.

Audience: All users interested in longitudinal analysis of pathology.
Training Data download is integrated with the ChangeTracker module (see Tutorial) Slicer3.4.1-ChangeTracker.jpg
Specialized FreeSurfer Course The FreeSurfer dataset contains an MR scan of the brain and pre-computed FreeSurfer segmentation and cortical surface reconstructions.

Audience: All users

FreeSurfer tutorial data FreeSurferTutorial.PNG
Specialized Neurosurgical Planning Tutorial

This tutorial takes the trainee through a complete workup for neurosurgical patient-specific mapping. Also see this tutorial for information on how to use Slicer's affine registration, simple region growing, model maker and tractography modules.

Audience: All users interested in image-guided therapy.
Neurosurgical Planning Data NeurosurgicalPlanningOverview.png

Summer 2010 Tutorial Contest Entries (under construction)

Category Tutorial Sample Data Image
Specialized Meshing Workflow tutorial

Audience: All users and developers.
Meshing Workflow Data

Specialized Fiducials tutorial

Audience: All users and developers.
Fiducials Data

Specialized Robust Statistic Segmenter

Audience: All users and developers.
Robust Statistic Segmenter Data

Specialized Longitudinal lesion comparison

Audience: All users and developers.
Longitudinal Lesion Comparison Data Longitudinal Lesion.png
Specialized Robot-Assisted MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy

Audience: All users and developers.
Robot-Assisted MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy ProstateNav.png
Specialized Atlas Label Fusion & Surface Registration

Audience: All users and developers.
Atlas Label Fusion & Surface Registration AtlasLabelFusion.png

Software Installation

  • The Slicer download page contains information on how to obtain a compiled version of Slicer for a variety of platforms and where to find the source code for Slicer 3.

Software Documentation

  • For the Slicer 3.6 manual pages please click here. These pages are the reference manual for Slicer 3.6 and briefly explain the functionality found in panels and modules.