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Home < EMSegmenter-Tasks

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What is a task?

Most clinicians are using the EMSegmenter to segment specific parts of the human body. Those segmentations depend heavily on the used input data. The signal level in the input data varies with the used image modalities (e.g. MRI, CT, ...) and with each anatomical structure. The EMSegmenter can take advantage of some knowledge about the signal level of those anatomical structures in the different image modalities.
Technically, each tasks consist of a .mrml file and a .tcl file.
The .mrml file stores the anatomical properties (mean values, covariance values) in a user defined tree structure.
The .tcl script is used to perform some pre-processing on the input data.

Visit the following web page to create your own task.

Segmentation Task Library

Existing Tasks in Slicer 3.6.3

Tasks in development for Slicer 3.6.4

EMSegmenter use cases

Quantitative assessment using MPRAGE and Flair images

  • Collaborator: Tammie Benzinger , Washington University School of Medicine
  • Quick description: Quantitative assessment using MPRAGE and Flair images
  • Image specification: T2 MPRAGE
  • Used Task: MRI Human Brain (with skull stripping enabled)