Developer Meetings/20130305

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Home < Developer Meetings < 20130305

To discuss

# Download python source and CMake build system
## Windows/Unix: Open your unix terminal or windows git bash console, then run:

git clone git:// -b next
curl -O
tar -xzvf Python-2.7.3.tgz
mkdir Python-2.7.3-build
cd Python-2.7.3-build

# Configure the project
## Windows:

Open cmake-gui
 Source dir : /path/to/python-cmake-buildsystem
 Build dir  : /path/to/Python-2.7.3-build
 Configure & Generate
Open /path/to/Python-2.7.3-build/Python27.sln
 Build all
Run /path/to/Python-2.7.3-build/bin/python.exe

## Unix (MacOSX, Linux)

cd Python-2.7.3-build
cmake ../python-cmake-buildsystem
make -j8

Available build options:

 ENABLE_SHARED:   Build python static library
 ENABLE_STATIC:     Build python shared library

 ENABLE_<EXTENSION>: If ON, the corresponding python extension will be built.
 BUILTIN_<EXTENSION>:  If ON, the corresponding python extension will be built-in the built python librarie(s). No need to use Setup.local

To report problem, create an issue:
