Documentation/4.6/Developers/Build system/SlicerBot/SVN2GitHub

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This page describes how the Slicer GitHub repository is maintained in sync with the official Slicer SVN repository.

Note that the SlicerRT GitHub repository is maintaining in sync using a similar process.


A cron job running every minutes on factory-south is doing git svn rebase and then force pushing change onto the Slicer github repository.


  • As detailed here, the slicerbot user is pushing changes.

  • The slicerbot user SSH key is associated with github-slicerbot hostname adding the following entry into /Users/kitware/.ssh/config:
$ cat /Users/kitware/.ssh/config
Host github-slicerbot
  User git 
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/slicerbot-factory-south

  • The associated cronjob entry is reported below:
$ crontab -l
*/1 * * * * /Volumes/Dashboards/SVN2Github/lockrun --quiet --lockfile=/Volumes/Dashboards/SVN2Github/Slicer-SVN2GitHub.lockrun -- /bin/sh /Volumes/Dashboards/SVN2Github/

  • Lockrun tool is used to ensure no concurrent rebase&push are occurring.
