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Home < Slicer3:Testing

How to do testing in Slicer3.

Writing Tests

See Execution Model Testing for how to write tests for plug in modules.



Calling tests from CMake/CTest

Setting up automatic builds

Note: this can also be used for continuous builds using the --test-type Continuous flag.


For windows you need to use the Add Scheduled Task option in the Control Panel to create the build. This task runs in a 'dumb' dos shell, so you need to help it get jump started. The following works:

  • create a .bat file that that is called from the Scheduled Task
  • create a shell script that runs the build and call that from the .bat file

Here's an example for run.bat:

echo off

chdir C:\cygwin\bin

set CYGWIN=binmode tty ntsec

rxvt -sl 1000 -e c:/pieper/run.csh -l

this example uses rxvt, which is available from cygwin, but not installed by default (it's an xterm ported to cygwin).

And here's an example run.csh:


setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem"

c:/pieper/bwh/slicer3/latest/Slicer3/Scripts/getbuildtest.tcl --update --test-type Nightly |& c:/cygwin/bin/tee c:/pieper/bwh/slicer3/latest/

c:/cygwin/bin/sleep 5

Unix (linux)

Here's an example script that can be dropped into /etc/cron.daily


cd /home/pieper/slicer3/nightly
rm -rf Slicer3 Slicer3-lib Slicer3-build

su - pieper -c "cd /home/pieper/slicer3/nightly; svn co Slicer3 |& tee nightly.log"
su - pieper -c "setenv DISPLAY :0; cd /home/pieper/slicer3/nightly; ./Slicer3/Scripts/getbuildtest.tcl -t Nightly |& tee -a nightly.log"

Note: this assumes your shell is csh-like. If you use bash, replace the "|&" with "2>&1 |".

Note: the DISPLAY variable should be set to be the X display you want to run with. Most systems will have :0 as the default display.

Be sure to always leave the X server running or tests will fail.

Here's a similar example for a continuous build


cd /playpen/davisb/Slicer3/continuous/Slicer3
date > continuous.log
export DISPLAY=:0
./Scripts/getbuildtest2.tcl --update --test-type Continuous |& tee -a continuous.log
date >> continuous.log

You can set up the script to be called every hour by adding this line to your cron file (crontab -e)

0 * *  * * /PathToTheScriptShownJustAbove/


The scripts are basically the same as the linux versions, with the addition of a line to open the X11 application explicitly. Also, the script doesn't run as superuser, so no su commands are needed.


cd /extra/pieper/slicer3/nightly
rm -rf Slicer3 Slicer3-lib Slicer3-build

cd /extra/pieper/slicer3/nightly
svn co Slicer3 2>&1 > nightly.log
open /Applications/Utilities/
./Slicer3/Scripts/getbuildtest.tcl -t Nightly 2>&1 >> nightly.log

On Mac, the launchctl program is used to manage nightly builds (see Nick's excellent description from the FreeSurfer wiki).

Reporting errors during genlib stage

If you would like to report the errors during building the dependency libraries to be reported to the dashboard, you can modify the following script, modify it to fit your environment, and then launch it with

ctest -S testscript.ctest