Slicer3:MiniRetreat February 5-7, 2008

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Home < Slicer3:MiniRetreat February 5-7, 2008

Jim Miller will meet with Steve Pieper and company on Feb. 5-7, 2007 for a mini-retreat. This will be a detailed work session focusing on the following topics:

  • Time series visualization
    • More Slice Viewers than (red, green, yellow) + specific layout of the screen + more control over linked parameters
  • Layout manager
    • More options for user to pick/define layouts (number and layout of screen areas, what to show in an area)
  • B-spline transform and registration support
    • Need to fix B-spline CLI module
    • Need a MRML node for B-spline transforms
    • Need a VTK transform to wrap an ITK B-spline transform
    • Modeling transforms verses imaging transforms. What transform should Slicer have in the scene? Should volumes be placed under transforms automatically?
    • Need to ensure that the Slicer GUI experience with the registration modules and transforms is "consistent" with the Slicer command line experience.
    • Need a TransformVolume module (Francois and Sylvain are doing this for DWI/DTI and this can be reworked to also handle scalars in a unified manner).
    • RESOLUTION: We determined that MRML Transform Nodes require a new member TransformFromParent to go along with the current TransformToParent. This will allow explicit representation of the directionality of transforms that are calculated with respect to fixed and moving coordinate frames.
  • ModuleFactoryTest hanging
    • FIXED. Path issue when exec'ing modules with --xml
  • Look at MedianImageFilterTest timing out on windows debug builds. (DONE: seems to be a big (300x) difference in debug vs. release of nth_element STL method for windows debug. TODO: there is not obvious fix but to use a smaller image).
  • Lightbox Enhancements - what are the low hanging fruit
    • Can we reload them - i.e. tear down the current GUI and reparse the XML to make a new GUI (this would be helpful for module developers for iterating on the GUI - e.g. this was a request from Ross).
    • Can we make the GUI more 'aware' of the state of slicer. E.g. picking default volumes based on what is in the viewer currently.
    • For the model maker should we look at creating a custom module GUI that has more flexible options, but then invokes the command line.
  • MRMLIDImageIO access to Diffusion volume types
  • Layout of library files and resources in build and install trees (FIXED: modified to detect new layout of install tree).