Slicer3:Lauras labels

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Home < Slicer3:Lauras labels
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  • Standard color names and values:
  • Go here to create a text file in Slicer LUT format. WARNING: the conversion fails on the alpha channel if using rgba(R, G, B, 255) instead of rgb(R, G, B) or rgba(R, G, B, 1.0). If the last column of the generated text file contains 65025, change it to 255.

Look-up Table for Lauras labels

Work in progress.

integer_label text_label color
0 Background rgba(0,0,0,0)
1 R caudate head rgb(99, 184, 255)
2 L caudate head rgb(10, 10, 255)
3 R thalamus rgb(152, 245, 255)
4 L thalamus rgb(0, 134, 139)
5 R frontal cortex rgb(124, 205, 124)
6 L frontal cortex rgb(69, 139, 0)
7 R parietal cortex rgb(124, 252, 10)
8 L parietal cortex rgb(205, 205, 0)
9 R cerebellum mediumspringgreen
10 L cerebellum mediumspringgreen
11 R hippo red
12 L hippo red
13 R paraventric WM royalblue
14 L paraventric WM royalblue
15 CC yellow
16 R olfactory gyrus orange
17 L olfactory gyrus orange
18 All CSF space deepskyblue
19 All white matter powderblue
26 Label_26 rgb(241,209,234)