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Home < Slicer3:FAQ

User FAQ : installation & general use

Is slicer3 ready for end users yet?

Yes! See the home page.

DLL Problems on Windows

I just download the 3D Slicer binaries for Windows and unpacked it. When I doubleclicked the file "slice2-win32-x86.ext", it gave out the error message can't find package vtk while executing "package require vtk" invoked from within "set::SLICER(VTK_VERSION) [package require vtk]" (file "C:/slicer2/Base/tck/Go.tck" line 483).

We've seen this sort of thing happen when you have incompatible dll's installed. E.g. so programs will install a vtkCommon.dll into your window system folder and windows tries to use it instead of the one that comes with windows. You could try doing a search for vtk*.dll in your system and remove or rename any that are not in slicer as a test.

Developer FAQ

Where can I find out about writing code for slicer3?

The Developers page has lots of information.