Difference between revisions of "Slicer3:Developers:Projects:QtSlicer/Gallery"

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(→‎Dialogs: add qSlicerSaveDataDialog (WIP))
Line 36: Line 36:
|A QPushButton that display a directory path and popups a QFileDialog on click. The selected directory is then displayed on the button and a signal emitted.
Line 48: Line 52:
|A qCTKRangeSlider handling double values.
|A qCTKRangeSlider handling double values.
|A QAbstractItemModel to represent DICOM files.
|A QAbstractItemModel to represent DICOM files.

Revision as of 22:53, 28 April 2010

Home < Slicer3:Developers:Projects:QtSlicer < Gallery



Slicer with KWWidgets + Qt
Slicer with Qt only
Qt Designer to design modules


Volumes Module (NEW)
Tractography Module
Linear Registration Module (CLI)
Welcome Module
Cameras Module
Transforms Module


Standard File Dialog(NEW)
Add Data Dialog(NEW)
Save Data Dialog(WIP)



ctkDirectoryButton(NEW) CtkDirectoryButton.png A QPushButton that display a directory path and popups a QFileDialog on click. The selected directory is then displayed on the button and a signal emitted.
qCTKCheckableHeaderView(NEW) QCTKCheckableHeaderView.png A QHeaderView that support checkable sections. The checkState can be propagated to the model items.
qCTKRangeWidget(NEW) QCTKRangeWidget.png A qCTKDoubleRangeSlider with 2 linked spinboxes.
qCTKDoubleRangeSlider(NEW) QCTKRangeSlider.png A qCTKRangeSlider handling double values.
ctkDICOMModel CtkDICOMModel.png A QAbstractItemModel to represent DICOM files.
qCTKRangeSlider QCTKRangeSlider.png A QSlider with 2 handles to select 2 values.
qCTKMenuButton QCTKMenuButton.png A QPushButton with a dedicated area that popups a QMenu
qCTKTreeComboBox QCTKTreeComboBox.png A QComboBox that displays items in a tree view
QCTKFittedTextBrowser.png QCTKFittedTextBrowser2.png
A QTextBrowser that returns a dynamic vertical size hint depending of it's width.
qCTKTitleComboBox 2009 10 27-QCTKTitleComboBox.png A QComboBox with a persistent title
qCTKSliderSpinBoxWidget QCTKSliderSpinBoxWidget.png A pair of a qCTKDoubleSlider and a QDoubleSpinBox bound together
qCTKCollapsibleButton 2009 10 23-QCTKCollapsibleWidget.png A container with a QPushButton on top that controls the visible state of the contents
qCTKCollapsibleGroupBox 2009 10 16-QCTKCollapsibleGroupBox.png A QGroupBox that collapses/expands when checked/unchecked
qCTKColorPickerButton 2009 10 23-QCTKColorPickerButton.png A QPushButton with a colorful icon, opening a color chooser dialog on click
qCTKCoordinatesWidget 2009 10 16-QCTKCoordinatesWidget.png A QDoubleSpinBox container that groups signals/slots of 3D vectors(i.e. X,Y,Z)
qCTKDoubleSlider QCTKDoubleSlider.png A slider handling doubles


QMRMLItemModel.png A collection of QObjects to communicate with a vtkMRMLScene
qMRMLMatrixWidget 2009 10 09-QMRMLMatrixItem.png A QTableWidget specially conceived for displaying/editing matrices
qMRMLNodeComboBox QMRMLNodeComboBox.png A QComboBox containing vtkMRMLNodes
(obsoleted by qMRMLNodeComboBox)
2009 10 02-QMRMLNodeSelector.png A QComboBox containing vtkMRMLNodes
qMRMLVolumeThresholdWidget QMRMLThresholdVolumeWidget.png A widget to set the threshold of a vtkMRMLVolumeNode
qMRMLTransformSliders 2009 10 09-QMRMLTransformSliders.png A collection of qCTKSliderSpinBox for setting transform properties (translation or rotation)
qMRMLWindowLevelWidget QMRMLWindowLevelWidget.png A widget to set the window level of a vtkMRMLVolumeNode


Double Slider example