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  • This page contains our assessment of the Slicer 3.6 modules

Testing Status

Core Modules

Slicer 3.6 Quality Assurance
Score Name Documentation Help [1] Acknowledgment [2] Current Owner
?? Camera complete yes, no link no Sebastien Barre
?? Welcome complete yes and yes yes and yes Wendy Plesniak
?? Volumes complete yes and yes yes and yes Steve Pieper
?? Diffusion Editor complete yes and yes no CF Westin
?? Models complete yes and yes yes and yes Alex Yarmarkovich
?? Measurements complete yes and yes yes and yes Nicole Aucoin
?? Fiducials complete yes and yes yes and yes Nicole Aucoin
?? Data complete yes and yes yes and yes Steve Pieper
?? Slices complete yes and yes yes and yes Jim Miller
?? Colors complete yes and yes yes and yes Nicole Aucoin
?? Interactive Editor complete no and yes yes and no Steve Pieper
?? ROI Module complete no and yes no and yes Alex Yarmarkovich
?? Volume Rendering complete yes and yes no and yes Yanling Liu
?? PET/CT Fusion complete yes and yes yes and yes Wendy Plesniak
  1. including link to website documentation
  2. including name of author and of supervisor

Application CLI Modules

Version of 04-29-2010

Slicer 3.6 QA table 2010 04 29

Version of 05-2010

Slicer 3.6 Quality Assurance
Score Name Documentation Help [1] Acknowledgment [2] Test coverage [3] valgrind errors Current Owner Comments [4] 3.6 Documentation Name [5]
1Gold my module complete yes and yes yes, yes, yes 80% 0
TBF TBF author |n/a
  1. including link to website documentation
  2. including name of author and of supervisor
  3. in % for non-interactive part
  4. Test coverage percentage determined by: [# lines code covered / total # lines of code (covered and non-covered) *100] of relevant .cxx and .h files

Testing Partition

Most Slicer modules have a GUI component and a Data Processing component.

Testing GUI components is still a challenge, so we will focus here on testing the Data Processing components. This can be done in most cases by partitioning the module into a GUI section and a Data Processing section, where the second one usually takes the form of a C++ class (although that is not a requirement).

The data processing section can be tested by using standard CTest/CMake mechanisms. Basically by adding ADD_TEST() entries to the CMakeLists.txt file of the module.

Luis Ibanez' scoring system

The following scoring will be applied to the data processing sections of all modules:

Slicer 3.6 Quality Assurance Scoring
Score Code Coverage Valgrind Errors Documentation Tutorial
1Gold > 80% 0 yes yes
2Silver > 70% < 10 yes yes
3Bronze > 60% < 50 yes yes
4Clay > 50% < 100 yes yes
5Coal < 50% > 100 yes yes
6Hazard unknown unknown no no

The code coverage and Valgrind error must be the ones reported on the Nightly Slicer Dashboard. Anecdotal data is not acceptable.