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The Model Maker Module
  • The Modelmaker is used to create 3D surface models from segmented data. Label maps are the result of automated segmentation or interactive editing.
    • Model maker is a pipeline of algorithms that will take a binary label, generate a marching cubes model, run triangel reduction and triangle smoothing algorithms. The pipeline was optimized for 1mm brain MRI data. For other geometries, adjustments of the parameters might be necessary.
  • Models are imported into Slicer under a model hierarchy node, and their colors are set by the color table associated with the input volume.
  • Create Multiple: If you specify a list of Labels, it will override any start/end label settings. If you click Generate All it will over ride the list of lables and any start/end label settings.
    • If you want to create all models that correspond to a labelmap, click the Generate All Models and Joint Smoothing boxes
  • Model Maker Parameters:
    • You can set the number of smoothing iterations, target reduction in number of polygons (decimal percentage). Use 0 and 1 if you wish no smoothing nor decimation.
    • You can set the flags to split normals or generate point normals in this pane as well.
    • You can save a copy of the models after intermediate steps (marching cubes, smoothing, and decimation if not joint smoothing, otherwise just after decimation); these models are not saved in the mrml file, turn off deleting temporary files first in the tcl window: [$::slicer3::CommandLineModuleGUI_Model_Maker GetLogic] DeleteTemporaryFilesOff
  • Anatomical Information: Here you can specify an external file linking label values with anatomical names.

This was the original method of linking label map values to resultant model colors and names, but it has been superceded by an internal linkage between the input label map volume and it's color node. If you wish to specify a file for a volume node that does not have a color node associated with it, a sample can be found in . It must be a comma separated file, extension .csv, in the format


where anatomyName is a string, and label is an integer. If the volume node has a color node associated with it, that will override the anatomy label file.