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The Model Maker Module
  • The Modelmaker is used to create 3D surface models from segmented data. Label maps are the result of automated segmentation or interactive editing.
    • Model maker is a pipeline of algorithms that will take a binary label, generate a marching cubes model, run triangel reduction and triangle smoothing algorithms. The pipeline was optimized for 1mm brain MRI data. For other geometries, adjustments of the parameters might be necessary.
  • Models are imported into Slicer under a model hierarchy node, and their colors are set by the color table associated with the input volume.
  • Create Multiple: If you specify a list of Labels, it will override any start/end label settings. If you click Generate All it will over ride the list of lables and any start/end label settings.
    • If you want to create all models that correspond to a labelmap, click the Generate All Models and Joint Smoothing boxes
  • Model Maker Parameters:
    • You can set the number of smoothing iterations, target reduction in number of polygons (decimal percentage). Use 0 and 1 if you wish no smoothing nor decimation.
    • You can set the flags to split normals or generate point normals in this pane as well.
    • You can save a copy of the models after intermediate steps (marching cubes, smoothing, and decimation if not joint smoothing, otherwise just after decimation); these models are not saved in the mrml file, turn off deleting temporary files first in the tcl window: [$::slicer3::CommandLineModuleGUI_Model_Maker GetLogic] DeleteTemporaryFilesOff
  • Anatomical Information: Here you can specify an external file linking label values with anatomical names.