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Home < Documentation < Nightly < Developers < ReleaseProcess

Release planning


Account on the following systems are required:

  • Slicer wiki
  • macOS signing server
  • Slicer svn
  • build machines (one for each operating system)
  • Slicer Github

For more details, see Resources

Contact <email></email> or <email></email> to request access.

Day 1: Release

Since there all development occurs on master, each time version is updated, two commits will be required.

Update Slicer.crt and commit change


CMakeLists.txt: Update the Slicer version information for the release

  1. Update the Slicer version information for the release:

    1. In CMakeLists.txt, update at least one these variables: Slicer_VERSION_MAJOR, Slicer_VERSION_MINOR, Slicer_VERSION_PATCH

    2. Re-run CMake with -DSlicer_RELEASE_TYPE:STRING=Stable. This is required to update Utilities/Scripts/SlicerWizard/

      Note If not doing a clean build, make sure to explicitly specify the version re-configuring with -DSlicer_VERSION_MAJOR:STRING=X -DSlicer_VERSION_MINOR:STRING=Y -DSlicer_VERSION_PATCH:STRING=Z .

    3. Commit the above changes using this message like:

      ENH: Slicer X.Y.Z
    4. Keep track of the SVN_REVISION and SVN_BRANCH for the next steps

CMakeLists.txt: Update the Slicer version information for the development

  1. Update the Slicer version information for the development:

    1. In CMakeLists.txt,

      • Update Slicer_VERSION_MAJOR and/or Slicer_VERSION_MINOR
    2. Re-run CMake with -DSlicer_RELEASE_TYPE:STRING=Experimental. This is required to update Utilities/Scripts/SlicerWizard/

      Note If not doing a clean build, make sure to explicitly specify the version re-configuring with -DSlicer_VERSION_MAJOR:STRING=X -DSlicer_VERSION_MINOR:STRING=Y -DSlicer_VERSION_PATCH:STRING=Z .

    3. Commit the above changes using this message like:

      cd ~/Projects/Slicer
      git add -A
      git commit -m "ENH: Begin X.Y.Z development"

Tag and publish SlicerBuildEnvironment docker image

  1. Tag the docker build environment image. See

    Note If the environment did not change, you may skip this step for patch release.

    Keep track of the selected TAG for updating the release scripts

Update release scripts

  1. Update release scripts. See

Disable regular nightly builds

  1. On each factory machines, disable regular nightly build in crontab and task scheduler.

Update ExtensionsIndex

This applies to and you should skip this step for patch release.

  1. Create branch X.Y based of master:

     cd /tmp
     git clone 
     cd ExtensionsIndex
     git checkout master
     git push origin master:${DEST_VERSION}

Update CDash

This applies to the CDash instance associated with and you should skip this step for patch release.

  1. Create new CDash groups for extension submissions associated with X.Y release:


Generate application and extension packages

  1. Generate packages running Slicer package scripts on each factory machines. (These are the scripts updated in the previous step)

Tag the repository

  1. Tag the repository:

    Set version variables:

    echo "X.Y.Z is ${X}.${Y}.${Z}"

    Set SVN revision variable:


    SVN (for regular release):

    cd ~/Projects
    svn checkout Slicer-${X}.${Y}-SVN
    cd Slicer-${X}.${Y}-SVN
    svn copy -r${SVN_REVISION}  \${X}-${Y}  \
        -m "ENH: Tag of ${X}.${Y}.${Z} release based on r${SVN_REVISION}."

    SVN (for patch release):

     cd ~/Projects
     svn checkout${X}-${Y} Slicer-${X}.${Y}-SVN
     cd Slicer-${X}.${Y}-SVN
     svn copy -r${SVN_REVISION}${X}-${Y}  \${X}-${Y}-${Z}  \
       -m "ENH: Tag of ${X}.${Y}.${Z} release based on r${SVN_REVISION}."


    cd ~/Projects
    git clone Slicer-${X}.${Y}
    cd Slicer-${X}.${Y}
    # For patch release, checkout master-XY branch
    git checkout master
    # Rollback by one commit to ignore the "ENH: Begin X.Y.Z development" commit
    git reset --hard HEAD^
    # >>> Make sure the current commit corresponds to ${SVN_REVISION}. <<<
    git log -1
    git tag -s -m "ENH: Slicer ${X}.${Y}.${Z}" v${X}.${Y}.${Z}
    git push origin v${X}.${Y}.${Z}

Create release branch

You should skip this step for patch release.

  1. Create release branch:

    Set version variables (same value as in the previous step):

    echo "X.Y.Z is ${X}.${Y}.${Z}"

    Set SVN revision variable (same value as in the previous step):


    SVN (Keep track of the branch revision. It will be referred below as BRANCHED_REVISION.):

    cd ~/Projects/Slicer-${X}.${Y}-SVN
    svn copy -r ${SVN_REVISION}${X}-${Y} \
        -m "ENH: Branching from trunk to Slicer-${X}-${Y} at r${SVN_REVISION}"
    svn switch${X}-${Y}
    BRANCHED_REVISION=$(svn info | grep "Revision" | awk '{print $2}')


     cd ~/Projects/Slicer-${X}.${Y}
     # Source:
     # and
     git config --add svn-remote.svn-${X}${Y}.url${X}-${Y}
     git config --add svn-remote.svn-${X}${Y}.fetch :refs/remotes/git-svn-${X}${Y}
     git svn fetch svn-${X}${Y} -r ${BRANCHED_REVISION}
     git checkout -b master-${X}${Y} remotes/git-svn-${X}${Y}
     git svn rebase
     git push origin master-${X}${Y}

Update Release Details on the wiki

  1. Update Release Details with release information

Day 2: Post release

Re-enable regular nightly builds

On each factory machines, re-enable build in crontab and task scheduler.

Update Mantis

This applies to the Mantis instance associated with

  • "Release" current target
  • Create new target
  • Check the "fixed in" fields

Update Slicer wiki

This applies to the MediaWiki instance associated with

There are two steps involved:

  • copy of the pages associated with the Nightly namespace into the X.Y namespace.
  • update of permanent pages referencing the current Slicer version

As of November 2016, the process is fully automated and can be done using Base/Python/slicer/release/ script.

1) Install prerequisites:

  • Check with <email></email> to get the credential associated with UpdateBot user.
  • Install mwdoc:
$ pip install mwdoc

2) Query current version information:

$ python Base/Python/slicer/release/ query

3) Copy and update pages


$ python Base/Python/slicer/release/ update ${DEST_VERSION}
$ python Base/Python/slicer/release/ copy ${DEST_VERSION}

The following pages have been updated:

The following pages with #REDIRECT have been updated:

Prepare Slicer Announcement

  • (1) Reusing previous documents available in this shared Google folder, create and update the following new Google documents:

    • Slicer 4.12: Kitware Social Media (Shared Publicly)
    • Slicer 4.12: Summary, Highlights and Changelog (Shared Publicly)

      Note Updating this document is currently a tedious manual process. It will soon be streamlined by including descriptive text with each contribution to the code base.

    • Slicer 4.12: Kitware Annoucement blog
  • (2) Once the Slicer 4.12 Release notes document is mature, post it on discourse for including images.

Clean-up older nightly packages

This applies to the Midas instance associated with


Manually sign packages

  1. This applies only to macOS and Windows
  1. If needed, create a X.Y.Z folder in Slicer/Packages/Application/Release
  2. Download package from You may have to click Previous to list the packages generated during Day1.
  3. 2018.10.19 slicer cdash build.png
  4. After downloading, locally compute the md5 sums and check that they match with the sums associated with download link displayed on the download page:
  5. 2018.10.19 slicer download package link.png
  6. Sign the package following these instructions:

  7. Upload the signed package using upload-Slicer-to-slicer-kitware-com.cmake.
  8. The newly uploaded package will be listed in the Midas feed. See
  9. ReleaseProcess-Package-manually-uploaded-midas.png
  10. Manually update the name of the item removing the (1) suffix and appending [signed]. Make sure to not update the bitstream name. For example: see Slicer-4.8.0-win-amd64.exe [signed] available here
  11. For future reference, copy the unsigned packages into the folder created above (Keep the default Create a reference to the existing item)

Tag release packages

  1. These instructions apply only to the Linux package

Due to limitations of, the Linux package must be downloaded and re-uploaded. On the other hand, the macOS and Windows packages uploaded during the manual signing are already associated with the release tag.

  1. Download packages from You may have to click Previous to list the packages generated during Day1.
  2. 2018.10.19 slicer cdash build.png
  3. After downloading, locally compute the md5 sums and check that they match with the sums associated with download link displayed on the download page:
  4. 2018.10.19 slicer download package link.png
  5. Re-upload each packages using upload-Slicer-to-slicer-kitware-com.cmake script.
  6. The newly uploaded packages will be listed in the Midas feed. See
  7. After each upload, manually update the name of the item removing the (1) suffix. Make sure to not update the bitstream name.
  8. For future reference, copy the packages into the folder created above (Keep the default Create a reference to the existing item)
  9. 2018.10.18 copy-package-into-release-folder.png

Confirm that packages are tagged

To confirm that all three packages are tagged. The following URL should return three packages:

Version NA-MIC data tree

This applies to the Midas instance associated with

  1. If you do not have an account and/or if you do not belong to the DataManager group:

    • Create an account on the extension server and obtain an API Key. You will then use your midas login and api key to substitute <YOUR-MIDAS-LOGIN> and <YOUR-MIDAS-APIKEY> in the examples.

    • If not already done, go to NA-MIC community and click on Join community

    • Send an email on the developer list asking to be added to the DataManager group on NA-MIC community. That will grant you read/write permissions to the Data folder and sub-folders.

  2. Install prerequisites

    $ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 version_namic_datatree
    $ pip install pydas
  3. Confirm that the id of the Data folder is still 301.

  4. Simulate creation of X.Y data folders based Nightly ones

    $ cd /path/to/Slicer/Base/Python/slicer/release
    $ python --url= --data_id=$DATA_FOLDER_ID \
      --email=$MIDAS_EMAIL --apikey=$MIDAS_API_KEY --source_version=Nightly --dest_version=$DEST_VERSION --dry-run

    Example of output:

    Application ( folder_id: 302 )
    '-Nightly ( folder_id: 831 )
    '-'-Testing ( folder_id: 832 )
    '-'-'-Baseline ( folder_id: 889 )
    '-'-'-'-DiffusionTensorImagingTutorial.png ( item_id: 12067 )
    '-'-'-'-NeurosurgicalPlanningTutorial.png ( item_id: 12066 )
    '-'-'-'-SlicerTestingTest.png ( item_id: 17760 )
    '-'-'-Input ( folder_id: 833 )
    '-'-'-'-AtlasTests ( folder_id: 834 )
    '-'-'-'-'-2012-10-26-BrainAtlas.mrb ( item_id: 10276 )
    Module: VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter ( folder_id: 1491 )
    '-Nightly ( folder_id: 1491 )
    '-'-Testing ( folder_id: 1492 )
    '-'-'-Baseline ( folder_id: 1493 )
    '-'-'-'-VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilterTest.nhdr ( item_id: 103418 )
    '-'-'-'-VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilterTest.raw.gz ( item_id: 103419 )
  5. Create X.Y data tree based Nightly ones

    $ python --url= --data_id=301 \
      --email=$MIDAS_EMAIL --apikey=$MIDAS_API_KEY --source_version=Nightly --dest_version=$DEST_VERSION
    Versioning of the NA-MIC Data tree for release X.Y...
    Versioning Modules...
    Versioning Modules...[DONE]
    Versioning Application...
    Creating folder X.Y under Application directory
    Duplicating subfolders from Nightly to X.Y...
    Duplicating subfolders from Nightly to X.Y...[DONE]
    Versioning Application...[DONE]
    Versioning of the NA-MIC Data tree for release X.Y...[DONE]

Update external website

Update ExtensionStats extension

Publish Slicer Announcement


Sign packages

macOS Code Signing

Packages have to be signed manually.

  • (1) connecting using SSH to (Available only from within Kitware internal network)
  • (2) Download signing script

    mkdir -p ~/tmp
    cd ~/tmp
    rm -rf macos-codesign-scripts
    git clone
  • (3) Download unsigned package using curl (using the URL reported on CDash). For example:

    curl -L "" -o Slicer-4.10.1-macosx-amd64.dmg
  • (4) unlock the keychain

    security unlock-keychain "Developer ID Application: Kitware Inc. (W38PE5Y733)"

    Expected output:

    "Developer ID Application: Kitware Inc. (W38PE5Y733)"

  • (5) Run signing script

    cd ~/tmp
    ./macos-codesign-scripts/sign.bash \
      org.slicer.slicer ${version} \
      "Developer ID Application: Kitware Inc. (W38PE5Y733)" \
      "Developer ID Installer: Kitware Inc. (W38PE5Y733)" \

Useful Commands:

  • To list of the keychain: security list-keychain


Windows Code Signing

Packages have to be signed manually.

See Documentation/Nightly/Developers/Windows_Code_Signing for more information.

TBD - See #2697

Backport commit into release branch

The following steps will lead to the creation of new git-svn clone having two branches:

  • git-svn
  • git-svn-XY


Step 1: Checkout sources

git clone git:// Slicer-X.Y
cd Slicer-X.Y
git svn init
git update-ref refs/remotes/git-svn refs/remotes/origin/master
git checkout master
git svn rebase

Step 2: Add release branch remote

Edit .git/config, and in addition to the existing 'git-svn' remote, add the following one:

[svn-remote "svn-XY"]
   url =
   fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn-XY

Step 3: Pull associated SVN branch

git svn fetch svn-XY
git checkout -b master-XY git-svn-XY

Step 4: Backport

  1. cherry pick commits associated with master (trunk) into master-XY (Slicer-X-Y)
  2. amend the commit to reference the original commit. See r28221 for an example.
  3. commit to SVN using git svn dcommit
  4. update associated GitHub branch using git push origin master-XY

Script to upload Slicer packages

File: upload-Slicer-to-slicer-kitware-com.cmake
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9.0)

# To run this script:
#  cmake -P upload-Slicer-to-slicer-kitware-com.cmake

# Variables to update:
#   package_dir
#   cmake_dir
#   release
#   source_revision
#   source_checkoutdate

set(package_dir         "C:/Users/dashboard/Downloads")
set(cmake_dir           "D:/D/N/Slicer-1/CMake")

set(operating_system    "win") # linux, macosx, win

set(release             "4.8.0")
set(source_revision     "26489")
set(source_checkoutdate "2017-10-18 05:11:33") # This corresponds to the start date reported on CDash (consider converting time from UDT to EST)

set(ext_linux  "tar.gz")
set(ext_macosx "dmg")
set(ext_win    "exe")

set(package_filepath    "${package_dir}/Slicer-${release}-${operating_system}-amd64.${ext_${operating_system}}")

message(STATUS "Upload ${package_filepath}")

set(submission_type     "experimental")
set(architecture        "amd64")
set(package_type        "installer")


  SUBMISSION_TYPE ${submission_type}
  SOURCE_REVISION ${source_revision}
  SOURCE_CHECKOUTDATE ${source_checkoutdate}
  OPERATING_SYSTEM ${operating_system}
  ARCHITECTURE ${architecture}
  PACKAGE_FILEPATH ${package_filepath}
  PACKAGE_TYPE ${package_type}
  RELEASE ${release}
set(expected_output "ok")
if(NOT "${output}" STREQUAL "${expected_output}")
  message(FATAL_ERROR "Problem with midas_api_upload_package()\n"

Limitations of

Considering that

(1) few minutes after a package is uploaded on, it is indexed in the database associated with, and

(2) the system indexing the package does NOT rewrite its database entries,

using the steps below will NOT result in an update of the packages reported on

Source code available at

Explicit tagging of release packages


  • If needed, create a X.Y.Z folder in Slicer/Packages/Application/Release
    • Copy uploaded packages into the folder created above (Keep the default Create a reference to the existing item)
    • Identify the item_id associated with uploaded packages. For example: 316530, 316529
    • From Kitware internal network, SSH connect to (or jcfr@
    • Connect to mysql
      • password=$(cat /var/www/midas3/core/configs/database.local.ini | grep database.params.password | cut -d"=" -f2 | head -n1 | sed 's/"//g')
      • mysql -u midas -p$password -D midas
      • See file /var/www/midas3/core/configs/database.local.ini for password
      • Selected database is midas (use midas)
    • List packages associated with identified items and check they are the appropriate ones:
      • select * from slicerpackages_package as p , item as i where i.item_id = p.item_id and p.item_id in (316530, 316529);
    • Set release field
      • update slicerpackages_package set `release`="4.8.0" where item_id in (316530, 316529);

User Survey (not used anymore)


With each release, the title of the survey had to be updated.

Now, the Slicer welcome module has been updated to ask user to report feedback on the Slicer forum

Converting Google document to markdown

  • (2) Open Google document in an other tab
  • (3) Go to Tools -> Script Editor
  • (4) Replace text with content of script opened in (1)
  • (5) Save script specifying name (e.g slicer-4.12-converttomarkdown). Note that the script is associated with the document and will have to be imported with new version of the document.
  • (6) From with the Script Editor, select Run -> Run Function -> ConvertToMarkdown
  • (7) When asked, authorize the script to access your account and review permissions.
  • (8) Check you email, you should receive a message entitled [MARKDOWN_MAKER] Title Of Document with an attachment named Title Of


Generating a Discourse compliant table of content for a Markdown document



Assuming the document for which a table of content should be generated is saved as /tmp/

  • (1) Remove the "[[TOC]]" string left over from gdoc to markdown conversion
sed -i -E 's/^\[\[TOC\]\]//g' /tmp/
  • (2) Generate table of content
$ gh-md-toc /tmp/ > /tmp/
  • (3) Create script to convert table of content and document to a format usable by discourse.
cat > /tmp/ << 'EOF'
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eo pipefail

if [ $# -ne 2 ]
  echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/ /path/to/"
  exit 0


for idx in $(seq 1 10); do
  # Compute number of spaces expected for each level
  (( space_count = ${idx} * 3 ))
  spaces=$(printf %${space_count}s)

  echo "${spaces}level ${idx}"

  # Extract title and anchor from each TOC entries associated with level ${idx}
  cat ${toc_document} | ack "^${spaces}\* \[" | sed -E 's/^\s+\* \[//g' | sed -E 's/\]\(\#([0-9A-Za-z\-]+)\)/|\1/g' |
  while read line; do
    title=$(echo $line | cut -d"|" -f1)
    anchor=$(echo $line | cut -d"|" -f2)
    echo "${spaces}${title} - ${anchor}"

    # Replace title with html one
    header=$(printf %${idx}s | tr " " "#")
    sed -i -E "s|^${header} ${title}|\\<h${idx} id\\=\"heading--${anchor}\"\\>${title}\\<\\/h${idx}\\>|g" "${document}"

    # Replace anchor in table of content
    sed -i -E "s/#${anchor}/#heading--${anchor}/g" ${toc_document}

chmod u+x /tmp/
  • (4) Execute script to update in place the document
/tmp/ /tmp/ /tmp/
  • (5) Copy content of /tmp/ and /tmp/ into a discourse post. Depending on the length of the table of content combined with the document, you may have to update the discourse settings max post length.