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Introduction and Acknowledgements

Title: Fiber Bundle to Label Map

Author(s)/Contributor(s): Steve Pieper (SPL, Isomics, Inc.), Isaiah Norton (SPL, LMI, BWH, SlicerDMRI)

License: 3D Slicer Contribution and Software License Agreement

Acknowledgements: The SlicerDMRI developers gratefully acknowledge funding for this project provided by NIH NCI ITCR U01CA199459 (Open Source Diffusion MRI Technology For Brain Cancer Research), NIH P41EB015898 (National Center for Image-Guided Therapy) and NIH P41EB015902 (Neuroimaging Analysis Center), as well as the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149.



Surgical Planning Laboratory  
Corpus callosum (CC) tracts  
Label map from the corpus callosum (CC) tracts.  

Module Description

Example of the label map generated from a set of fibers

This module sets the specified label value in the label map at every vertex in each of the fibers in a bundle.

This module first upsamples points along the fiber bundle in order to get better voxel coverage.


Panels and their use

  • Fiber Bundle
    • Pick a fiber bundle to rasterize
  • Target Label Map
    • The fibers will be painted into this label map. Note that this will add to and overwrite existing data, but does not clear the label map to zero first.
  • Label Value
    • Numerical value to be written into the label map.

Similar Modules

Model To Label Map


Information for Developers

This is a python scripted module.