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Home < Documentation < 4.2 < Modules < DataProbe

Introduction and Acknowledgements

Information on NA-MIC can be obtained from the NA-MIC website.
Author: Steve Pieper, Isomics, Inc.
Contact: Steve Pieper, <email></email>

Isomics, Inc.  

Module Description

Display information about the volume data at the location of the mouse pointer in the Slice views.

Sample Data Module

Use Cases


  • Use Case 1: Compare image intensity for two volumes before and after filtering by putting one in the foreground and one in the background.
  • Use Case 2: Get a textual description of the label value of a segmented structure.
  • Use Case 3: Determine the patient and voxel coordinates of a structure.


Panels and their use

The Data probe shows two blocks of data

  • The first line displays:
    • color and name of the Slice view that the mouse pointer is currently over
    • the patient-space location corresponding to the mouse pointer in RAS (Right/Anterior/Superior space - see the page on Coordinate Systems for more information)
    • the orientation of the slice view
    • the spacing between slices for the slice view
  • The lower block of three lines displays:
    • L, F, or B for Label, Foreground, and Background respectively
    • the name of the volume (or None if nothing is selected)
    • the IJK coordinates corresponding to the mouse pointer (see the page on Coordinate Systems for more information)
    • or Label volumes, the name corresponding to the label value (as defined by the current color table)
    • the value of the volume at that coordinate (a single value for scalar volumes or the number or components for non-scalar volumes)

Similar Modules

Label Statistics



Information for Developers

This module is written in python.