Developer Meetings/OrganizerInstruction

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Revision as of 14:17, 22 March 2016 by Nicole (talk | contribs)
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Home < Developer Meetings < OrganizerInstruction

Hangouts are held every week at 10am on Tuesday mornings

Day before the hangout, edit Developer meetings page

The day before the hangout, edit the Developer Meeting page available on the wiki:

  • Uncomment the entry associated with the following week or create the corresponding page.

Around 4pmm, create an event in the "Slicer BarCamp" community and send a first email on the slicer-developer list

After opening the Slicer BarCamp page, follow the step described below.

After or during the meeting, update conclusion

After the meeting, update the conclusion and send an email to the slicer developer list.

See here for an example of conclusion and here for an example of email.