Slicer3:Loadable Modules:HOWTO
In order to allow a module to be detected and loaded at runtime (without explicitly being called from the main() routine in Applications/GUI/Slicer3.cxx), do the following:
For your vtkSlicerModuleGUI-derived class, declare and implement:
virtual void SetModuleLogic(vtkSlicerLogic*)
This is necessary so that the Loadable module code does not need to cast the Logic pointer returned from the defined entry point.
To add module-specific MRML events to observe, declare and implement:
virtual vtkIntArray* NewObservableEvents();
To add module-specific initialization code, declare and implement:
virtual void Init();
This is useful to have your module register callbacks for Picking (See QdecModule or VolumeRendering).
Create ModuleName.txt in the module's directory. ModuleName should follow the naming convention for the *GUI and *Logic classes.
For these two clases:
vtkOpenIGTLinkLogic vtkOpenIGTLinkGUI
This file contains naming directives, as well as lists dependencies. At a minimum, the module name must be specified:
Name: Open IGT Link
GUIName: OpenIGT Dependency: Module One Dependency: Module Two
Now, edit the module's CMakeLists.txt file to call the Loadable Module Generator. NOTE: The macro should be placed after TCL wrapping is done, as it adds to the source variable. For more details, check the GAD module CMakeLists.txt file, as it provides a good starting point.
For example:
generatelm(OpenIGTLink_SRCS OpenIGTLink.txt)