About NXT_USB: This is a C++ library used to control a LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot over a USB connection. This code was modified from: -NXT++: http://nxtpp.sourceforge.net -Device::USB: http://search.cpan.org/~gwadej/Device-USB-0.21 Reqirements: 1. This code can be used only on a Linux distribution with root access. Remember to run any software utilizing this code as root. 2. libusb: http://libusb.sourceforge.net/ Instructions: Download libusb from: http://libusb.sourceforge.net (version 0.1.12) Then run: tar zxvf libusb-0.1.12.tar.gz cd libusb-0.1.12/ ./configure CFLAGS=-funsigned-char --prefix= --exec-prefix= make make install Then add the libusb directory to your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. Note that the INSTALL.libusb file has information about the installation process. Another alternative is to use CMake: SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-funsigned-char" ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ... ) ADD_LIBRARY( ... NXT_USB.cxx NXT_USB_linux.cxx ) FIND_LIBRARY(LIBUSB_LIB NAMES libusb-lib PATHS /lib ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Lego ... /lib/libusb.so ) The simplest way to use this library is to keep the four NXT_USB files (NXT_USB.h, NXT_USB.cxx, NXT_USB_linux.h, and NXT_USB_linux.cxx) in the same directory as your program. Simply #include "NXT_USB.h" and compile as usual. Contact information: I would be more than happy to reply to any questions and comments emailed to dpace [at] bwh.harvard.edu.